Core Services

If you’re a C-suite & C-1 senior leader navigating a VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous) market or operating environment; planning for or executing complex whole-business transformation; a leader new in role; have teams recovering from high churn or need help establishing your confidence and credibility at the top table, I can help you.

Expert transformation support to guide your business through complex, strategic and mandatory change

An experienced, motivational, inspiring keynote and panel speaker on transformation and how to seize your dreams

Bespoke leadership programmes and executive coaching for senior leaders undergoing complex transformation



Transformation Advisory

Are you seeking to chart a course for transformational change within your organisation? Look no further. I specialise in crafting comprehensive strategies to drive your organisation towards its desired future state.

Should your transformation journey face hurdles, my advisory support is here to provide you with expert guidance. Whether it’s programme recovery or turnaround, you can count on me to navigate through challenges and realign your transformation efforts for success.

Additionally, my expertise extends to auditing and reviewing transformation roadmaps. I work with you to analyse existing strategies, identifying strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for enhancement, ensuring your roadmap is finely tuned for maximum effectiveness.

Corporate Negotiation

  • Specialist negotiation support for major supplier and partnership contracts
  • Mentoring and coaching of senior leaders undertaking high-pressure, high- stakes negotiation for the first time
  • Training of emerging leaders to negotiate effectively using their unique talents and strengths

Diversity & Inclusion Advisory

Organisations are increasingly recognising the importance of EDI and are taking steps to address the disparities and the realisation that this is not just a tokenistic policy but a driver for adding really quantitative and qualitative value to an organisation.

EDI is an important component of the ‘G’ in ESG. Applied correctly it can lead to huge social and qualitative value for businesses.

I specialise in:

  • Conducting DEI diagnostics and devising strategies, which entail senior stakeholder interviews and workshops.
  • Providing support to craft a compelling business case for embracing equality, diversity, and inclusion practices, geared towards enlightening senior leaders on its strategic significance.
  • Developing targeted DEI action plans and roadmaps integrated with Objectives and Key Results (OKRs).
  • Offering interim leadership to initiate and oversee a DEI program within complex organisational structures.
  • Establishing reverse mentoring initiatives to foster diversity.
  • Delivering Cultural Sensitivity Training tailored for partner and director levels, and senior leadership, enhancing their comprehension of diverse perspectives.

If you’d like to discuss your needs, book a complimentary 30 minute call.

“All my peers and colleagues recognise with gratitude her precious and unmatched quality of work, recovering the most difficult and unexpected situations with the highest level of professionalism and profit. ‘Very much’ would be less to describe any of her influence. Her unique experiences, world-class skills in management and the discipline she has are very rare to find in one person.”

Dr K A Küçük (DPhil Ph.D.)
Academic Professor, Oxford University


Why Choose Me for Keynote Speaking?

Expertise and Experience: I bring a wealth of knowledge and real-world experience to the stage. My deep understanding of transformation and leadership, honed through years of practical application, ensures my talks are both insightful and impactful.

It’s not just a keynote, it’s a performance. My ability to weave engaging narratives with actionable insights captivates audiences, making complex concepts accessible and memorable.

Proven Track Record: With a history of successful engagements at high-profile events, I receive many reviews for my compelling delivery and thought-provoking content. My reputation for excellence speaks volumes about the quality of my presentations.

Tailored Content: Understanding that each audience is unique, I tailor my keynotes to address the specific needs and interests of your event. This personalised approach ensures that my message resonates deeply with your attendees.

Inspiring and Motivating: Passion for my subject matter inspire audiences to think differently and take decisive action. I leave a lasting impact, motivating attendees to embrace change and strive for excellence.

Thought Leadership: As a recognised thought leader in the field of transformation, I bring cutting-edge ideas and fresh perspectives to my keynotes. My insights help organisations navigate the complexities of change and drive sustainable growth.

Choose me for your next event and experience the difference that an exceptional keynote speaker can make.

Keynotes, fireside chats and panel chairing or participation on the following themes:

  • Designing a Leader
  • How to Lead in a VUCA World
  • The Art of Negotiation
  • Unlocking the Value of Top Table Diversity
  • How to Lead as a Woman in a Man’s World
  • The evolving role of a CFO

Please contact me if you'd like to combine any of the above listed topics individually suited to your event.


“I must say, Amna Zaidi is one of the most outstanding professionals I have ever encountered. It was truly inspiring to experience her powerful and motivating presence.”

Sophie Qvartskhava
Head of strategy communication and public relations - Education



Are you looking to develop and grow your most senior leaders operating in a new and challenging context?

  • C-suite & C-1 senior leaders
  • Navigating a VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous) market or operating environment
  • Planning for or executing complex whole-business transformation, often including major systems transformation
  • Inexperienced leaders, leaders new in role, teams recovering from high churn
  • Diverse leaders establishing their confidence and credibility at the top table

Leadership and Change Workshops and Training

  • Development of bespoke leadership development programmes for organisations planning for or executing significant change
  • Resilience training and development for senior leaders in turbulence or turnaround
  • Formats include: 1-2 day interactive workshops, in-person lunch & learn seminars, webinars, real-time or recorded fireside chats with senior leaders

Executive Coaching

Mentoring and coaching of senior leaders (C-suite to C-4), who are:

  • Stepping up to lead major transformation for the first time
  • Struggling to keep control of a complex transformation
  • Diverse senior leaders newly promoted or preparing for promotion, to help build skills, self-awareness, confidence and credibility

“How you manage yourself makes a big difference. It isn’t easy but it does affect everything.”