About Me

As a seasoned senior executive specialising in transformation, with a track record of success over a career spanning more than two decades, my leadership journey has seen me guide teams of over 300 members and oversee budgets exceeding £80m, consistently delivering ‘the really hard stuff.’

I serve as a provocateur and role model for change. Ambition and energy fuel my dedication to creating impact, underpinned by authority, influence and a bold stance that leaves an indelible mark on those I encounter.

Qualified and recognised as an expert voice in Diversity & Inclusion and Sustainability & ESG, I prioritise developing inclusive and environmentally responsible strategies that form the bedrock of long-term success.

Additionally, as a current board member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales (ICAEW), I remain deeply committed to professional excellence and industry leadership, actively supporting individuals across the profession.

Amna Zaidi signature
About Amna

My vision

To support senior leaders to deliver the most complex, most impactful transformations in the world through educating others on what I have learnt over decades, not so that they can be like me, but so they can be better than me.

“Delivering value the ‘right’ way”


How to Lead a Major Transformation

Immersed in the most incomprehensible, complex, high-profile piece of work imaginable. Every task is daunting, the pressure is relentless, yet amidst the intensity there’s an undeniable sense of fulfilment.

Your team members recall the experience under your leadership as a blend of hard work and joy - one where the brain hurts but everyone wants to keep on going. You’re doing something unprecedented. You’re creating new and powerful approaches where the tried and tested has been found wanting.

If you ask me the secret to leading major transformation, this is it:

“The bravery to face challenges, the flexibility to navigate ambiguity and complexity, and having a clear vision to guide with.”

Like a portable power bank for your phone, I provide a welcome boost of energy when everyone is flagging. But I am also the trusty signpost in the storm, showing the way to the end goal when all around are buffeted by the wind and the rain.

“Winning in the moment and losing long-term is not winning.”

Amna Zaidi


Yes I travel regularly internationally for advisory, speaking and facilitation work.


Lead the change or you won’t change at all.

Client and Employer Portfolio